Wednesday, March 10, 2010

RIP 14 Year Old Ms. M...Oh and Corey Too!

You are shitting me right?! Corey Haim did not just die of a drug overdose? How did I not see this one coming? I mean, he'd never touched drugs his entire life, right? He'd never been to rehab (more than once). He never did look like a bloat fish frantically looking for his next fix did he? Did He.... Oh now surely you all are sensing my heavy sarcasm there! I mean seriously folks I am just surprised he lasted as long as he did (well that and it happened on a Tuesday night/Wednesday morning...seriously dude-it wasn't even the weekend). That is not to say a part of me didn't die this morning with him, I mean a part of my youth belongs to the Two Corey's! I loved Lost Boys, and License to Drive! I even watched every stupid episode of The Two Corey's and felt bad for them. I totally blame that Suzie bitch for driving a wedge between them. I just feel good they got a chance to reconcile. RIP Corey! And take care of my 14 year old self you took with you!!
Ms M


  1. So sad and senseless. He was the "good" Corey, right!? Only 38 (my age BTW).

  2. I loved him when I was younger, his poster nestled amongst Brad Pitt and Joey McIntyre on my bedroom wall *sigh*. RIP Corey :o(

  3. in peace 14 year old Ms M...that doesn't mean you also lost the part of you that still loves Joey Mac, does it? If so, who is going to go on the NKOTB cruise with me?

  4. Your post was soo sweet, and seriously I too watched a few epis of the Corey and Corey show and you know, I had hoped that he would have gotten his shit together but damn. Wasn't he supposed to be in the remake of Lost Boys?
    BTW, I LOVED Lucas and Lost Boys, *sighs* That'a shame.

  5. Just did a post about him too lamenting over the fact that he never managed a comeback.

    you can check it out here:

    I watched the 2 Coreys, too. That wedge was huge!!! I can also admit I watched him "Big Wolf on Campus" once where he played himself playing an actor who was playing a vampire. (wolves and vamps--where have I heard that before?)


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