Thursday, March 4, 2010

A Low Calorie Rpattz / Somerhalder Sandwich

With RL sucking the life out of us...we have no creativity for a real post. So since it is Thursday...and for those of you with fully functional vaginas you know what Thursday's bring... we give you a Damon video:

Yes, we are aware that tonight's episode is a repeat...but we could watch Ian on a constant loop and be just fine!

Now we know some of you are not into Ian/Damon as much as we for your viewing pleasure we bring you a Rpattz/Somerhalder video (we'll take one of these sandwiches any day!):


  1. Hot damn! An Edward/Damon sandwich... I'm hungry now.

  2. MMMMMMHHHHHMMMMM Love me some Ian!!

  3. Damon/Ian and Edward/Rob . . . TOTAL FUCKING WIN!! I drooled when Ian danced on Vampire Diaries when that episode originally aired, and it still sexy as hell.



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