Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Don't Watch This Video...Unless You Are a "Whore" Like Us!

Or maybe you could watch if you are a "just the tip" kind of gal as well...but for the love of all things holy-don't fucking watch it if you are trying to remain a virgin (of ANY sort). Even our friend who happens to LOVE the Twilight series, but thinks Robert Pattinson's head looks like a foot: (I know-GASP!) wanted to hump her computer screen after watching this don't say you haven't been warned!

Have a happy HUMP Day!


  1. Fuckin' A!!!!!!!!!!! That rocked cocks ladies!!!!!!!!!!! Awesome...and your post title totally sucked me in here.

  2. I fucking love being a goddamned dirty whore...and a whore in good company no less.
    you guys are rad!!!

  3. Evil temptress!

    I'm not gonna watch, I'm not gonna watch I'm not gonna watch.

  4. I did not watch! I'm strong...while sober. Friday night could complicate things.

  5. Mrs. P at TwiBite sent me over here. I've seen the stills, but not set to Bon Jovi. *sigh*


  6. THANK YOU!!! Mrs. P sent me your way for the Eclipse stills that I fucking MISSED this weekend! Now I feel all caught up in my whorishness.

  7. Mrs. P it does indeed Rock Cocks!

    E I have embrassed my Dirty Whoreness with open arms! And I am glad I have found such good company!

    mmMoxie suuuureee I believe you.....

    17foreverlisa and Starlitviolets: Welcome! I am glad Mrs P sent you our way! :o)

  8. Yummy! I'm so glad I didn't decide to wait! Thanks, Ms M, for posting the video- I need more :-)

    Welcome 17foreverlisa and Starlitviolets!

  9. Dirty whore here!! I could possibly be the friend who thinks Rob's looks are slightly lacking, but holy good god almighty, those stills are fuck awesome!! You rocked!!

  10. I was all ready to whore it up (linked from Mrs P), and the video is gone!!! Damn you, Summit!!! *shakes fist at sky*

  11. OK, because Scummit so kindly removed the video...we found another one and reposted it! HA HA HA!! Take that scummers!!


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