You knock the kids out of the way at the dentist office to get to the treasure chest that holds vampire teeth.
I took the twins to the dentist for their 6 month cleaning...it started out normal enough. That was until they got to pick out a toy from the treasure chest and TwiNerd Mom here with her Twi-dar noticed they had vampire teeth in the box. "EEEEEKKK! Vampire Teeth-Those Suckers are MINE!" I damn near knocked over a plant and pushed one of the girls out of the way and snatched up a pair. I am fairly certain I will have to find a new dentist now...and I am going to be on the look out for child protective services for the next couple of days (I'm sure that bitch behind the counter thinks I am batshit crazy and shouldn't be left alone around children)...but I got them! Vampire Teeth! -Ms M
OMG!! You freakin crack me up!! I can't stop laughing! I can just see you knocking the girls out of the way!