Wednesday, June 17, 2009

It's HUMP Day!

"This kind of stuff just doesn't exist in my world...I mean look at all the houses in this cul de sac. Look at the old woman across the street staring at us like we are crazy" "I don't think she is looking at us Bella, I think she is looking at the looney bitch taking our picture....lets get outta here".
"Oh Edward, this meadow is so pretty...HOLY SHIT!!!! There is that crazy bitch with the camera again." "I have an idea Bella...lets go back to my place."
"Happy 'Hump' Day Bella"..."Oh Edward!....hey-I don't think we are alone"

1 comment:

  1. "I mean look at all the houses in this cul de sac" OMG, LMFAO!


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