Tuesday, January 26, 2010

It's A Titillating Tuesday!

So we get the hint that:

1) You don't like us to poke fun at the precious. No matter how deserving we think it is - with his impression of Joaquin Phoenix.


2) The VD's don't really interest a bunch of you. OK...not "THAT" kind of VD...that doesn't interest us either...no matter who is on the giving end. We are quiet certain we wouldn't want to get flaming gonorrhea from ANYONE! (and a side note, I am not sure if gonorrhea really flames, I don't know what the symptoms are-and this is the one time I am NOT going google it to find out. That is not the thing I want on my computer's hard drive just in case Chris Hansen ever shows up with his jug of iced tea and takes my computer away for saying Taycob was hot or something.)

Anyway, where was I...all I can think about is itchy cooters and drippy dongs....oh yeah...what ya'll don't like so much---but the things we can't seem to help ourselves from talking about.

So we told you before this little site might talk about more than just Twilight...but it seems most of you just want to hear about that...so we decided to compromise (sort of)...whenever we decide to post about something other than the precious...we will at least throw in a picture of the precious...deal? Now I can't promise if Rob continues to look like Tom Hanks from Castaway that we won't say something about that....we are just hoping he is looking like that for a reason and NOT because he is trying out for the part of the Yeti at Disney World's Expedition Everest because THIS is the proper way to have facial hair:

OK, and for those of you that are into Ian and the VD...(not the type we discussed earlier) THIS video is for you:


  1. That video... Damon... that song... So beautiful and exactly why I love The Vampire Diaries. I know, not everyone has time or is in to it, but I really think it's a great show.

  2. Don't worry about who likes what! That's why we love you gals because you don't give a damn! The blog is for your pleasure!

  3. That is a fuckawesome video. That man is just too beautiful for words. Girl, y'all write what you wanna write. Just because you aren't getting comments doesn't mean people arent reading!!!

  4. First of all, you gals make anything funny/interesting...so pick your own subject matter. If you want to wax poetic for the next 17 blogposts about how pickles make you randy, then do just that. But do it with *flair*.

    Personally, if it has to do with mancandy (regardless of the source) I'm all in ;)

    Speaking of which...Ian, holy hell. Ice blue eyes, dark hair, and that fucking smirk. I don't stand a chance (even with the VD). Just show up at my door, smirking and shaking a bottle of penicillin. *hawt!*



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