Monday, August 3, 2009

What the Ever Lovin' F Bomb!

I know, I know, 2 posts in 1 day...I really need to get a life (not as much as the peeps I am about to dish on) but what am I suppose to do....I have no j.o.b.-and Ms J is out house hunting with the hubby. is the scoop-I am surfing the net for Vampire shit, cause-well, that is what I do....research I call it, for the blog! And I find this: So it is an article on "How to become a Vampire"... I am reading it and if I am not mistaken-I think whomever wrote this is completely fucking serious. Then I get to the comments--and dumb asses are leaving their telephone numbers asking other people to call them because they want to be a vampire too. Then you have the loonies on there claiming to BE vampires. What The Fuck.

I never claimed to be rational ALL the time when it comes to my beloved Twilight, Mr Pattinson and my Mini E and B dolls (yeah I get it - I am in my 30's and carry around dolls--I'm a little mental). But come on! You have got to be ridiculously deranged to actually think you are a vampire, or to post your freakin' telephone number on the web begging to become one.

My favorite post came from the delicious little chick who claims she enjoys drinking blood anyway-so give her a ring-a-ding so she can become a "real" vamp. This little nitwit made my day! I did do a search on where to find human blood to "drink" and came up empty. I am fairly certain the Red Cross doesn't have a "Donate to Drink" section-so I am not sure where chickiepoo is getting her blood. Maybe she bought some of those Bloodrayne Tampons and sucks on those during the day......

Anyhooo ... Off to do some more "research"!


  1. Um, that would be Crazy Town. Sorry

  2. Wow, someone bought a ticket to CrayTown.

  3. Sadly this is not the first time I've heard about this. There is a huge community out there of nutjobs that not only think they are vampires and must drink blood to survive but there are message boards for what they call "doners" of willing people that have a relationship with vampires that give their blood freely. I've heard of some fucked up shit but I think this is a little ridiculous!

  4. Holy hell, that's creepy! You know there are deranged people out there. Real pieces of work. My friend watches Tyra obsessively and she told me she watched an episode once of people claiming to be real vampires--yeah just youtube that one. And another time on craigslist I was searching Twilight stuff on the dime, and I found a posting for a group meeting entitled something like "Are you a victim of psychic vampires?"--WHAT?!

  5. @LKW I agree! My sentiments excactly.
    I've heard of it before but I thought it was just people making it up. But actually doing it? Holy hell this is nuts

  6. I think the key word here is 'fictional'. Sure, Edward is wonderful--but he is 'fictional'. No one is really a vampire. I'm not sure what you would be called if you decided to drink someone's blood...I'm guessing 'psychotic' might be a good term.


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