Friday, August 7, 2009

Grow Your Own Vampire

If ONLY it were that easy! I'd have a stash of Rpatz's in my basement! OR, I could start selling vamps to the weirdo's from the "How to become a Vampire Website"

On a side note: This is how I found Mini B this morning:

Dang it! Don't be smoking that Shit in my kitchen!!!


  1. KStew---quit smoking and start filming Eclipse :-)

    As for growing a vampire---Ms M, I think we should get that kit and see if we can make it :-) We could post pics on here :-)

  2. What the F.U.C.K.!! Are you dipping into K-stew's stash there Ms J? Or did you just REALLY want me to see your post? You realize you said the same thing 9 times? LOL! You know my drunk uncle does the same thing when he is smashed!

  3. Gotta love computer problems! I can't believe it posted it 9 times! I thought we had actually got 10 comments!

  4. Okay I deleted all of the extra posts...weird!


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