Thursday, October 15, 2009

Gettin' Our Period Panties in a Twist

You know I think I am beginning to see why we don't have very many followers/friends/commenters (you get my drift)...I don't think we conform well here. We don't automatically fall in love with everything just because they put the Twilight Brand on it. YES-We LOVE the books! The books mean everything to us. But the movie blows, the first soundtrack kinda blows, K-Stew's Acting Blows, we weren't in LOVE with Jacob after Twilight....I will give him credit he is growing on us. He worked his ASS off to keep his role, but would we have been disappointed if they found a 25 year old hottie to take his place last we need to start building a secret room in our house to hide from Chris Hansen and his jug of iced tea now...YES!

But will we change...that answer is NO. We can't. We can't pretend to love everything there is about what they are doing to our precious books. I suppose if that means we won't gain any friends in bloggy be it. We never ever mean to offend anyone-but I think sometimes that happens to BE the case. If we say something here that pisses you off...we can take it-we are big girls with pretty thick skin. I figure if we can dish the shit-we better be able to take it.

By the way: I told you I would cave...I got my NM Soundtrack today! LOL! And FSE is going to his first Dildo party tonight....good times-good times!


  1. Say what you feel! I love it. Don't make excuses and never apologize. Take comfort in the fact that you have more followers than me :P

  2. I'm a follower even if I don't comment too often. My feeling is that the whole reason is to say what you think.

    Don't go changing. Remember it's the quality of your friends that matter, not the quantity. LOL

  3. How boring would it be if we all agreed on shit? A lame-ass herd of sheep. We all love some piece of this crazy book/movie/actor series and it's brought a bunch of cool people together. Differences of opinion are what make it interesting. If people can't respect that, then they never belonged in the first place. So keep on doing what you do!

    PS - Your title is both amusing and disturbing. Nice combo!

  4. girl! PUH-LEASE!! You are on your period! What are you talking about we don't love you! We love this little blog aplenty. So I'm too lazy to comment all the time, so sue me, but I read everyday and look forward to hump day and if I was anywhere near where you are I would invite myself over and bring chocolate and cheap wine, the perfect cure for period panties in a bunch. Can't wait to hear FSE's account of the dildo party!

  5. I'm a lurker now registered (raised Catholic-guilt is a bitch). I'm with ya'll! I don't like a lot of things associated w/Twilight but I do love me the books and some Robward!!! Really trying to like the new soundtrack but not feeling most of the songs. Maybe when I see the movie I will love them...who knows? Nehoos...I am here :)


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