I really have no words...except maybe-HEY MS J...I think I found a costume for your next office fundraiser.
Ok on to more related things (not that we keep with an ongoing theme here or anything)
FanFic: Here is my Love/Hate relationship with it and why.
I love it because, well, it is all naughty and takes my beloved straight laced Edward and makes him bad ass. Most of the stories I love he has some sort of ink going on, he likes to have angry wall sex, and he cusses (a fucking lot), plus he has a monster schlong (that never hurts anything in my book-well except if it were real life and it were coming at my lil' lady...that might hurt..at first...and after...maybe...perhaps I could get used to it...just sayin')...really the list goes on (sort of like Edwards massive love stick).
Now for what I hate:
I HATE waiting for updates. Not only because I am an impatient twat but because I start to worry after a while...what if the author got hit by a bus? And then because I am also a selfish cuntwaffle I think..."Well Damn! If she got hit by a bus, what if she never finishes the story, holy shit! What if she is dead? Mother F! If she went and died and left this story right at a cliffie I am going to be so fucking pissed!"
This is about the time I start checking all the reviews to try to find "clues" as to why said author isn't updating their FREE stuff (yes I get it people! These wonderful authors do this stuff for us in their spare time for FREE out the generosity of their fucking hearts). Then when the reviews give me no clues because it is just cluttered with other people begging for updates too...I am left checking every hour or so for days for updates and wondering whhhhyyyyyyyy? I am not going to resort to writing and begging too...I mean, what is the point. It isn't like they are going to be like "Oh LOOK, Ms M wrote so I guess I will go ahead and hit the update button. I have been just sitting here ignoring all these other bitches sending me private messages and reviews begging for updates, but since Ms M wants one..."
It is then that I decide I will never again read a "work in progress"-yeah I say this every time.
Do any of you worry about your favorite fanfic authors like we do? If so what do you do?
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