Thursday, January 26, 2012
Tonight I'm Doing WHAT? Well...Alllrighty Then!
Don't fret ladies...we have your Damon Fix right here:
Monday, January 23, 2012
Somebody's Getting Naked
Ms M
Friday, January 20, 2012
Breaking Bella *NSFW*
No amount of bleach will ever erase this from my memory:
I don't remember who sent this around on Twitter last night (MandysMind maybe?)...all I know is after I viewed this piece of photographic "art" I was forever scarred.
I also noted that Jacob was going in for the #2 hole...which sort of goes with our post from the other day right?!! LOL!
Well, I don't think any I have any witty comments that can compete with that - that IS Breaking I will end this post now.
Ms. M
Thursday, January 19, 2012
WARNING: I'm A Warlock Rockstar From Mars!
What I did find while Googling my little heart out was this:
We can also get a Tiger Woods doll...although I don't see the point of this. I mean why buy a blow up doll of Tiger when you could have the real thing...won't he do just about anyone?
Finally I came across this...(NO PUN INTENDED)...
So, we can get a Miley Doll with 3, count them THREE Achey Love Holes...but still no Rpatz (Edward Cullen)....
What has this society come to? Besides a 30 something mom looking for sex dolls at 6:30 on a Thursday morning....
Ms M
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Why Twilight Is Popular
And while we were in the dark Ms J found some time to send in some bloggie material...Ms J does some of her best work in the dark....j/s
While stumbling around she found this little video that explains "Why Twilight Is Popular":
They forgot about Jacob... Every girl DREAMS of having a gay best friend right? Someone they can go shopping with, maybe he can fix her hair, and then they can sit around and watch gay teenage angsty movies/tv shows together....Enter Jacob...aka: Mr. Scary Story. Oh sure Taylor Lautner might not (or might....) be gay in real life but the way he delivered that line "Really it's just like an old scary story" was gayer than anything MY hairdresser has ever said to me...ever.
The Author can try to make this character less gay by making this said Gay friend stink like a dog and run around in cut off shorts...but we all know what's up:
MS. M (for Ms J)
PS....Before ya'll start sending in the hate mail...we realize the People magazine was a hoax...and Taylor has not said he is Gay.... yet
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
You Taste Just Like Glitter Mixed with Rock and Roll....
Enjoy-and have your Sham Wows handy:
Friday, January 13, 2012
Jared Leto Made My Panties Disappear!

See, he is extra yummy...and I am extra it all works!
But as I am researching stuff for this post (about the Secret Circle) and how I ended up buying the book for my Kindle...etc... I thought-I really need some "mood" music, so I went to Youtube to pull up my "go-to" band for blogging....and after watching one of their videos...a Thirty Seconds to Mars video came up on the side...the "Bury Me"...well, I love me some Jared Leto so I decided to watch that too...THEN this music video for their song "Hurricane" came up. It stated that it was "censored" and my first thought was "Holy Jesus Titties-they have an UNCENSORED video out there with Jared Leto? I have GOT to find THIS!!!". ... AAaaannnd I did! Oh My G.O.D. people!! Have you seen this?
It is basically The Submission/The Dominant in video form...
I don't really understand the whole premise of the video or the song because every time Jared Leto started blindfolding/gagging/spanking/licking/handcuffing/banging the one chick I lost all my other senses. I think I went deaf, quit breathing, at one point I had to pause the video and go put on more deodorant because I was working up a sweat, and I am pretty sure my heart stopped beating for a few seconds there. Plus the sound quality of the song kept cutting in and I muted it after a while.
But if any of you need a 20 minute break in your day...or want Jared Leto to do a magic trick on your panties like he did it is:
Thursday, January 12, 2012
The Cure For a Headache You Ask? An Massive Orgasm in Your Eyeballs of Course!
Holy Fucking Orgasmic Hell!! Yes, that is Channing Tatum and Alex Pedophile ERRR I mean Pettyfer (although I do feel sort of like Chris Hansen AND his mistress are going to show up at my house with their jug of iced tea when I get all moist staring at him)...
Anyway..I digress...
I guess they are going to be in sort of cinematic porn, there I go again... I mean MOVIE.. called "Magic Mike", and I am certain that is some sort of euphemism for their "Magic Penises" since this movie is about them being male strippers and all (just sayin').
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Vagina Costumes? A Fan Fic Rant?

I really have no words...except maybe-HEY MS J...I think I found a costume for your next office fundraiser.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Fan Fic Porno on Youtube?
We did come across this "porno" on Youtube this morning and thought to ourselves..."selves...Someone has GOT to write a FanFic about this shit"...and then we thought, really-I think who ever made these Dunhill commericials was reading Fan Fic already.
I really hope this new Superman movie doesn't blow monkey balls! And Clark gets naked and shows just how "man of steely" he is.