Thursday, November 4, 2010
Used Hoootie Hoo Products?
Today I was reading somewhere about the different types of products used for menstrual cycles...yeah interesting topic I know... they started talking about this *Diva Cup thingie...which is basically a giant plastic cup that you shove up your hooootie hoooo and it collects all the blood or gross shit over 12 hours. Once it is full you stick your fingers and in a couple of cases pliers up into BeavTown and retrieve the devise, rinse it out (hopefully not in the office bathroom sink) and re-insert it back in your Vag.
Ok, I was alright with all of this until I started reading the comments...and then found people actually reselling their used (FUCKING USED) *Diva Cups....
"Oh look Ervette some one is selling a used *Diva Cup!"
"Shut the Fuck up Jo-Bob-Bertha! I gotta get me one of those! You know that is how Carl Junior got him some teeth, they was sellin' them right there on the internets from some ol feller who didn't need em' anymore"
Holy Christ people! There are places to draw the line...and used sanitary products are definitely it!!!
Ms M
ps... Chapter 2 will be up soon!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
SHH! Don't Tell Edward!
Friday, October 22, 2010
Welcome Back...US!
Friday, August 27, 2010
Get Back Here Little M-We Will Have Some "Alone" Time Later...
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Diary of a Horny Housewife
Diary of a Horny Housewife brought to you by Ms M, Ms J, and MarMar...
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Paging My Fucking Excitment...Has Anyone Seen It?
Now don't get me wrong-I am excited for the movie...hell-Ms J and I have had our tickets for opening night for a while now and we have a couple more tickets bought already for the weekend after...yeah-we plan on seeing this movie plenty of times! But are we counting down the hours? Not really. Have I picked out my outfit for opening night....uh..that would be a big ass "NO"....Wow-I suck!
On a completely random note...I am sitting here listening to the red carpet bullshit live on-line and Lance Bass just showed up...What the Fuck is Lance Fucking Bass doing at the Red Carpet. I mean we are already fighting a stereotype with these we really need HIM to be interviewed? Thanks a lot dumbass interviewer fuckers! And just a FYI...we don't care what sort of Evening Gown he was wearing..."WHAT?? He wasn't wearing an evening gown?" Oops...I must have heard him wrong.
Oh Goodie Miss Rosenberg... "Melissa-it must have been so difficult to write a script to this book"..."Why yes it was Miss Interviewer you know how fucking difficult it is to fuck up a script based off a book, where basically the script was written for me...Yeah-I should win an award or some shit"....
Ok, I am off before I really piss some people off...
Ms M
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
What Part of Hell Would I Be Sent To?
Sunday, June 6, 2010
No Mr. Massengill...YOU Sir Are the "Doucher"
Sunday, May 23, 2010
This Is Just Disturbing!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Happy Birthday to US!
Ms M and Ms J
Saturday, May 15, 2010
So who is Ms M's Houseguest?
Her houseguest (HG) is a foreign exchange student. It has been a long year. From the moment, she stepped off the plane, the HG started eating. Eating everything, especially cereal. She eats so much freakin' cereal that Ms M's daughter has to find a place to hide her box, so the HG doesn't eat all of it. And when Ms M cooks dinner...she has to double her recipe to feed the HG. By now, HG could either mean house guest or huge guest.
One time I went over to Ms M's for dinner with my family. Ms M can make a mean ass cheeseball...and that night she didn't disappoint. While I was standing there putting the mouthwatering masterpiece on my plate HG came over and hip-chucked me out of the way to get herself some. She fucking HIP CHUCKED my ass! Then when dinner was served she started growling behind us to get to the a rabid fucking dog or some shit. AAANNNDD then the giant piece of shit started fucking FARTING at the table..F.A.R.T.I.N.G!! It smelled like barnyard feces whafting around while we were trying to eat. I thought my husband was going to get sick right there on his plate!
Thankfully for Ms M and her family, the HG is returning to her family very soon. Until then I'll be more than happy to share anything you want to know about HG :o)
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Eels Up the Ass and Tits On My Phone
All right, we have gotten that out of the way: I have to tell ya'll my story of the week: Yesterday morning began like normal until I walked out of my bedroom and started toward the other side of the house to get something out of the guest bathroom....when I got to the dining room I found my "house guest" fondling her tits. My first thought was "Please don't masturbate in my dining room, we fucking eat in here for Christ's sake"... well when she saw me she I carried on my merry way to get what I was after in the other bathroom. By the time I started back towards my room she had left for the day so I didn't have to see her again... Once I got to work I (of course) had to tell EVERYONE about the incident in my dining room. I was in some serious need of "disinfectant" advice.
The rest of my morning went pretty much as usual until I took my regular afternoon trip to the bathroom to take a picture of my cooter to send to the hubs (that ALWAYS puts him in a good mood, and seeing how it was Friday, I knew I was just guaranteeing a good weekend). That is when I found it.... as I was deleting my beaver picture out of my phone I found a GIANT TIT in my pictures...taken Friday morning... and it WASN'T MINE!!
It took me a second to connect all the pieces together..."Holy fuck balls dangling off the cross-my guest wasn't masturbating after all...she was taking pictures of her ginormous boob with my phone...SHIT BALLS...I need to disinfect my phone now..."
Why the hell would someone do that? Did she think I would like it? At least it wasn't her cooter!
I know some of you may be asking...How is this Twilight related? Or even Vampire related? Well it's not-but if you replace the tit in this picture with an apple it might be.....
Ms M (who is now dealing with a "happy" hubby, damaged retina's, and is in need of a new phone!)
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
My terrible day just got SO MUCH BETTER!!!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Ms J's Stress Relief
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Commando is Now the Way I Roll!
Now, on to some panty melting goodness...Holy Shit Balls dropping from heaven above. I'm thinking commando is the way to go from now on. Saves me the effort of finding new panties when mine decide to leap from my body and hump my computer screen because that is exactly what they did when they watched this video below....
Friday, April 23, 2010
Official Eclipse Final Trailer
Ok, blogger hates me and won't let me figure out how to get underneath the video, so all of my comments will be on the top. One day I will learn (if these lovely ladies ever ask me to again! LOL)
I watched the videos 3 times in a row, just to take it all in. I must say, I'm very impressed. The action looks great and it looks like it may be close to the book, (yes, I read the leaked script, and I think this one is going to be the closest to the book.) I am extremely excited to see this one!!
Now to the negatives. What the hell is up with Jasper's hair??? Are you kidding me?? It looks like an ugly cat fell asleep on top of his head! Now I know no where in the book does it say he is a god or anything, but Alice is supposed to be this Goddess of style, right? So don't you think her husband/fiance/lover would have really stylish hair and clothing? And don't get me started on the scary eyes!! They do not look anything like I pictured from the book, but maybe I'm crazy.
So what do you guys think of the trailer? Do you think it's going to be good? How stoked are you for June 30th?? Let me know!! :-)
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Thursday Tribute to "The Office"
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Hump Day at Work and Ms M's Going Commando
Ms M took Mini E and Mini B to work and I guess they thought they should recreate "The Office." Horny little minis---right on the phone!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Yum, Yum, Yum
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Cell Phone? Blackberry? Notebook? And ANOTHER Naked Picture!
I can't access the damn thing from work...something about "questionable content"...what the fuck! I am pretty sure the I.T. guys are just jealous of the precious and don't want the women at work getting any enjoyment from it....that HAS to be it! It certainly couldn't be all the F-bombs we drop and the naked pictures...NOPE-That can't be it at all....
NO! It certainly can't be because of pictures of me like this!
(Thank you Mrs P for this lovely picture)
Anyway-with a husband who works the exact same fucking hours as me-and this blog still a secret, it has been hard. So I am wondering, do any of you blog from a cell phone? Can you do it from a blackberry? Or should I look into buying one of those Notebook things? I seriously feel like a crack addict who lost her pipe.... (OK-I don't know how you do crack-I am not sure if you need a pipe, a needle, you snort it, or shove chucks of it up your ass...I'm just saying I am going crazy!)xoxo
Ms M
ps-Ms J: I give you until next week to get all your crap moved and settled-then if you aren't up to "bloggy" speed...I will start sending you those pictures of Josh naked again...
Saturday, April 10, 2010
No - I Don't Need a Bigger Penis, and I Don't Care About Your Legless Uncle!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
What is Making Rob, Ian and a bunch of lemons cry?
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Happy Easter From Ms J and Ms M!
Friday, April 2, 2010
Our Apology For The April Fools Pattinson Peen
Happy Friday Ladies! I hope I didn't inflect too much damage to your eyeballs!
Ms M
Thursday, April 1, 2010
The Cure For The Dried Out Vagina...As Promised!
Ms M
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
It's HUMP Day! And I Should Have Been a Doctor!
Anyway time for my random thought of the day-as I am sitting in the doctors office with one of my twins (no, not my tits) today and I quickly became aware that my daughter is indeed a mini ME. First she proceeds to tell me that she likes to see people fight and when other people cry she has a hard time not laughing....(my daughter is 6). Then she shows me this picture and says it looks just like our house guest who blew shit chunks all over the guest bathroom:

I dream a dream of Poo Chunks...Spraying out my ass onto your wall.....
So what do you say when you totally agree with your kid, but you realize it is probably wrong to let her go on thinking bad things about people....?
Ms M
**Update: I just realized that adding "I should have been a doctor" to my title made absolutely no fucking sense! I was going to get into the story about how I completely diagnosed my daughter before getting to the dr's office and the doctor wouldn't believe me over the phone...dh said she just wanted our money. But I was indeed 100% right in my diagnosis. So therefore I should Be a Doctor!! Ok now that I have cleared all that up...I am done...for today...see you all tomorrow when I will release the cure for the common cold....or was it a cure for a dried out vagina....
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
A Novella and a Rant
I know, I know-we are probably in the minority here (we usually are) but when news broke this morning that Stephenie Meyer had a new book coming out we about pissed ourselves thinking "Finally! Midnight Sun"...of course our pants quickly dried themselves out when we heard it was NOT Midnight Sun and was some short story about Bree. Actually Ms J had to ask Who the Fuck Bree was! After explaining it to her I got this response back in my email: "why the fuck would I want to read something if I know she dies????? why not midnight sun??? I don't think Stephenie Meyer is all there! Did she fall and hit her fucking head? Was something in the news about her being abducted by aliens? How did we miss that memo-shit!!"
Actually I think I read somewhere this morning that S. Meyer was quoted saying: She knows fans wanted Midnight Sun but she isn't writing any Vampire Books right now...WTF? I imagine Midnight Sun would be a big hit if she were to finish it. I mean, I know I would be first in line to buy a copy. How about you? We don't mean to sound so harsh here, really anything "new" and "Twilight" related does excite us-but we feel let down because the excitement could have been so much more epic!
Monday, March 29, 2010
No Mr. Biden...THIS "Is a Big Fucking Deal"!

Sunday, March 28, 2010
I Married a Woman...AND a Contest!

Thursday, March 25, 2010
It's Tasty Thursday
Boom Boom Boom let's go back to the tomb...
Yes! It is finally Thursday and a new VD is on tonight. How long has it been since we've had a "new" Damon fix? The last new episode aired February 11th, yep it has been that long! Fanfic and the New Moon DVD can only hold a gal over for so long. Now if only we didn't have to wait so long for True Blood all would be right in our world! I guess the networks are doing us a favor though-I am not sure how much stimulation my lady bits could take if they were on at the same time.
On a completely different ramble, I was surfin' around yesterday on Youtube (like normal) and I found this awesome Twilight Video. I don't think I have ever seen anything like it before, it is one of the coolest Twilight videos I have come across in a long time.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Eclipse Poster and Our Opinion(s)

Monday, March 22, 2010
Monday Morning Ramblings
Anyway-after watching so many times, I finally figured out the problem I have with Twilight (the movie)...I think (and I realize I am going to sound very stupid saying this) that each time I pop in my Twilight DVD I am secretly hoping it will be different. I am always thinking, maybe this time Bella won't twitch as much, and maybe this time it will follow the book more closely. It is the same when I watch Titanic-I keep thinking..."maybe this time the boat won't sink and Jack won't die". But alas after both movies I am left disappointed. Jack does indeed die and Twilight sucks donkey nuts. I will give Cougar Cathy credit though...I think Edward looks better in Twilight then in New Moon, but as far as the screenplay--it blows. OK-I am off my soapbox about that today.
So as I am making my dh watch N.M. with me last night I was surprised that he actually laughed at the appropriate times (Alice's vision included), and when it was over he said "I wish they just had all the movies ready now...I'd rather sit down and watch them all than have to wait months in between"....I'm like "HELL YEAH MISTER!" And I was about to show him the picture Ms J posted a while back of Edward and Bella in the meadow if they waited much longer to film...but decided I didn't want to have to take care of a blind husband and I really like him going to work and earning a paycheck so I refrained.
On a different note...did you all notice we are down to 99 days until eclipse! We are officially in the two digits!! WHOOOOT!!!
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Friday, March 19, 2010
Spraying Poop and the Missing Bloggers
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Eclipse Footage From The New Moon DVD...Hmmmmmmm....
Friday, March 12, 2010
Ms M Has An Opinion..That is NEVER Good!

Now, on to the stuff that sucked on these:
1st: The Wig. I knew going into it that this was probably going to be a problem. I just don't understand why K-Stew couldn't of worn a mullet wig for her other movie. I mean if given the choice I surely wouldn't have cut my long locks into a fucking mullet...ever. So now her "Bella" hair looks very dry and weird.
2nd: Who The FUCK is dressing Edward? When I read the books I don't read..."Edward buys all his clothes at 'Geriatric Gentlemen R Us'", I thought he had style! I miss the peacoat to be perfectly honest.
3rd: The makeup, I have to say-my dead grandmother looked better then Edward as she lay rotting in her coffin. And Bella is suppose to be white too...grrrrr!
4th: I know Jacob/Taylor (whatever) has to keep meatpatties in baggies and had to work his ass off to get all buff for the role, but seriously dude-put a shirt on. It gets old. I think I remember reading Stephenie saying Emmett was buff too and I don't recall getting to see Kellan walk around shirtless in the if we are going to be fair with this shouldn't we be getting to see him semi naked too? Hey-Makes sense to me.
5th: OK, Don't throw rocks at me...but Edward sounds a little bit like Rainman in certain parts....

6th: This book was NOT about Bella making a choice between two men. This wasn't some "Love Triangle"! Yeah-Jacob kept pestering her, but she was in LOVE with Edward...she never second guessed that. She just missed Jacob's FRIENDSHIP... This was about bringing two enemies together to fight against something "evil" for the person they BOTH cared about. Of course you wouldn't get that from the trailer...I'm really not sure "what" we are suppose to take away from the trailer. If you hadn't already read the books I am not sure you would know what the hell was going on.
So, in closing: I thought the trailer sucked big ass sweaty donkey balls! I was so disappointed! Yesterday when it came out I was all "Sqquuuueeeeee!!!!!! The trailer is released!!!" Then I watched it and was like "What the FUUUUUUCCCCKKKKKKK!!! Are they fucking serious?" I even put off writing my review for a full 24 hours thinking I would calm down and find something positive to say about it. And seriously folks I am really not a "Debbie Downer" all the time. I am usually more of a "glass half full" kind of gal....that is until they start fucking with my "Precious".....
Ms M
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
RIP 14 Year Old Ms. M...Oh and Corey Too!
Monday, March 8, 2010
Swinger's Parties and Potatoes
So my story starts with the fact that I am the social director for our neighborhood HOA, which seems weird to me considering the fact that I fucking hate people, but provides me with free booze and party supplies for other get-together's I throw with actual friends. Because I do this I guess the people in my neighborhood think I am a "nice" person, and someone they might want to hang out with... H.A.! So I get a call from this lady who lives here saying she is on the PTO and wanted my help with something and since I was on the HOA board she thought I would enjoy it. Oh yeah, just about as much as I would like a hot poker shoved in my eye (I despise kids about as much as I despise grown people). But I do it...and by doing it she thinks I am just "swell". So she invites me to be a part of her "exclusive couples dinner/game club". I am thinking "what the fuck is an 'exclusive couples dinner/game club', it must be rich people talk, right?". **a side note: My neighborhood is broken up into two areas...the normal area, and the "estates" area...this chick lives in the "estates", I am in the "normal" part. So I am thinking: "hmmm, I really do hate the general public, but getting together with some other couples from our neighborhood might be fun...and I love games! Maybe they will have the New Moon Scene it game...I totally will kick all their asses at that!". So dh and I agree to go. It turns out she is having a "potato bar". She is providing the potatoes and we are to bring our two assigned sides for the potatoes (bacon and chili). So I dig out the "good" Tupperware and off we go.
Clue number ONE that this wasn't such a good idea: We walk into "Martha Stewart's" house and see all the crystal and candles with my Tupperware. Miss Martha quickly scowls at my choice of container and transfers our sides into more "appropriate" dishes the proceeds to dispose of our containers.
Clue number TWO that this wasn't such a good idea: The other guests! HOLY FUCKING HELL BOMBS! I don't care if your husband is the head of cardiology lady, I also don't care how much money your sink costs. I seriously got tired of hearing the same stupid questions about what my husband did for a living, how much money do we make compared to you...etc....for fucks sake-who asks this kind of shit! Who gives a rats ass?
Clue number THREE that this wasn't such a good idea: We seriously had to take a tour of Miss Martha's house and she said things like: "Feel free to touch the carpet....(NOTE FROM MS J: You know that was just a precursor for the rest of the evening) notice the granite, it was imported from Italy, See our kitchen cabinets, the wood is dated back to George Washington"...we had to go look at her stupid toilet. Who The Fuck shows people their Stupid Toilet? We had to watch her flush the motherfucker and hear all about how some Arnold Palmer dude took a shit there. Like I give a shit!
Clue number FOUR that this wasn't such a good idea: After we ate our lame ass potatoes it was time for "games".... and I wasn't seeing a New Moon or Twilight game anywhere! Oh NOOOOOO...the first game on the list was... "Swap Your Spouse"...WHAT.THE.FUCK.! Ok, I don't know what "Swap your spouse" means in "rich land" but in normal everyday land that means...well...that means doing naughty things with someone else's husband/wife...probably Miss Martha's husband sticking his dingy in my hoo-haa.. and I am really not into that kind of shit. The second game on the list was "Hide Your Neighbors Ding".... After dh and I picked our eyes up off the floor (because they had clearly popped out of our motherfucking heads) we knew we had to come up with some sort of escape plan.
So I went to Miss Martha and said "We are so sorry, but our sitter called and we really need to be going, but thank you for inviting us over.....blah blah blah"...That seemed to irritate Martha all the more. She snapped back at us that if we weren't going to stay around for the games that we should get out of her house at that very moment because the other guests were going to start pairing up in preparation for the games. NO OTHER WORDS needed to be said...DH and I fucking RAN to the door and ran out to the car. You would have thought we were being chased by a rabid vampire...I hadn't seen my husband move so fast in all the years we have been married! We got to the car, got in and started to leave when I noticed we were blocked in. I am like "Well Fucking Shit! I think I am going to hit the car in front of us"...dh is like "Hit the Mother Fucker, I don't care! Just get us the Fuck out of here!"
So in closing...I do believe I can scratch the "I've never attended a Swingers Party" off my list...and I can honestly say, I will never be tricked into attended one again...unless Rob and Ian are going to be there. Then...I'll bring the potatoes!
Saturday, March 6, 2010
A Proper Apology For The Sausage Nipples
Now how could you not forgive us after viewing that!!??!
Stay tuned though...Ms J has a wonderful story about the Cargo Pants 1980's Boobie Queen...wasn't she just a gem to work with?!
Friday, March 5, 2010

Brown noser
Whatcha got, you gonna eat that?
I know you -you gotta know just what we're doing
You can play like your our friend but in our backs we'd be stabbed in the end
I know what you are, what you are, baby
Look at you being more than just a kiss up
Baby, you
Got your nipples all perked up
Fakin' like a good one, but I call 'em like I see 'em
I know what you are, what you are, baby
You're a Nippleizer
Oh Nippleizer
Oh You're a Nippleizer Baby
You, You You Are
You, You You Are
Nippleizer, Nippleizer, Nippleizer
Boy don't try to poke my eye (I) know just (just) what they are (are are)
Boy don't try to front my eye (I) know just (just) what they are (are are)
You Got Me Goin'
You're Oh-So Nosey
But I can't do it
U Nippleizer
Boy don't try to poke my eye (I) know just (just) what they are (are are)
Boy don't try to front my eye (I) know just (just) what they are (are are)
They Say your Cold
But it ain't cold
You're nothing but
A Nippleizer
You got the swagger of an insect
Rollie Pollie
Just can't find the right companion
I guess when you have one too many, makes it hard
It could be easy Who you are, that's who you are, baby
you can suck them like a sucker
To think that I
Would be a victim not another
Say it, play it how you wanna
But no way I'm ever gonna fall for you, never you, baby
You're a Nippleizer
Oh Nippleizer
Oh You're a Nippleizer Baby
You, You You Are
You, You You Are
Nippleizer, Nippleizer, Nippleizer
Boy don't try to poke my eye (I) know just (just) what they are (are are)
Boy don't try to front my eye (I) know just (just) what they are (are are)
You're a Nippleizer
Oh Nippleizer
Oh You're a Nippleizer Baby
You, You You Are
You, You You Are
Nippleizer, Nippleizer, Nippleizer
Boy don't try to poke my eye (I) know just (just) what they are (are are)
Boy don't try to front my eye (I) know just (just) what they are (are are)
You're a Nippleizer
Oh Nippleizer
Oh You're a Nippleizer Baby
You, You You Are
You, You You Are
Nippleizer, Nippleizer, Nippleizer
Boy don't try to poke my eye (I) know just (just) what they are (are are)
Boy don't try to front my eye (I) know just (just) what they are (are are)
The best part of this song was when our Nippleizer actually came over to our desk and began dancing to Womanizer.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
A Low Calorie Rpattz / Somerhalder Sandwich
Yes, we are aware that tonight's episode is a repeat...but we could watch Ian on a constant loop and be just fine!
Now we know some of you are not into Ian/Damon as much as we for your viewing pleasure we bring you a Rpattz/Somerhalder video (we'll take one of these sandwiches any day!):
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Warning!!! Do NOT stare in his eyes for too long or you will be registering at Babies R Us with me!
So now while my husband and I are happy about our little surprise, we are still looking to place blame where blame is due and Ms. Kharizzmatik...we are looking at YOU! LOL!