Now, on to the stuff that sucked on these:
1st: The Wig. I knew going into it that this was probably going to be a problem. I just don't understand why K-Stew couldn't of worn a mullet wig for her other movie. I mean if given the choice I surely wouldn't have cut my long locks into a fucking mullet...ever. So now her "Bella" hair looks very dry and weird.
2nd: Who The FUCK is dressing Edward? When I read the books I don't read..."Edward buys all his clothes at 'Geriatric Gentlemen R Us'", I thought he had style! I miss the peacoat to be perfectly honest.
3rd: The makeup, I have to say-my dead grandmother looked better then Edward as she lay rotting in her coffin. And Bella is suppose to be white too...grrrrr!
4th: I know Jacob/Taylor (whatever) has to keep meatpatties in baggies and had to work his ass off to get all buff for the role, but seriously dude-put a shirt on. It gets old. I think I remember reading Stephenie saying Emmett was buff too and I don't recall getting to see Kellan walk around shirtless in the movies....so if we are going to be fair with this shouldn't we be getting to see him semi naked too? Hey-Makes sense to me.
5th: OK, Don't throw rocks at me...but Edward sounds a little bit like Rainman in certain parts....

6th: This book was NOT about Bella making a choice between two men. This wasn't some "Love Triangle"! Yeah-Jacob kept pestering her, but she was in LOVE with Edward...she never second guessed that. She just missed Jacob's FRIENDSHIP... This was about bringing two enemies together to fight against something "evil" for the person they BOTH cared about. Of course you wouldn't get that from the trailer...I'm really not sure "what" we are suppose to take away from the trailer. If you hadn't already read the books I am not sure you would know what the hell was going on.
So, in closing: I thought the trailer sucked big ass sweaty donkey balls! I was so disappointed! Yesterday when it came out I was all "Sqquuuueeeeee!!!!!! The trailer is released!!!" Then I watched it and was like "What the FUUUUUUCCCCKKKKKKK!!! Are they fucking serious?" I even put off writing my review for a full 24 hours thinking I would calm down and find something positive to say about it. And seriously folks I am really not a "Debbie Downer" all the time. I am usually more of a "glass half full" kind of gal....that is until they start fucking with my "Precious".....
Ms M
TOTALLY agree with you. I was very disappointed. I don't think Edward has ever "dressed" like the book described. If Alice is so freakin fashion conscious, she is sucking at her job. I agree that it is not about the Love Triangle, but about Victoria coming after Bella, and the two men in her life coming together to fight for her. I am truly disappointed and I'm getting fed up with Summit. They are not doing the books justice at ALL in my opinion.
ReplyDeleteI'm right there with you! I was massively dissapointed. The trailer of any movie is supposed to make you excited or intrigued about seeing said movie and this was a big fail :-(
ReplyDeleteI agree completely about how the trailer misrepresents the theme of the book...there was never a "choice"?!?! The whole book is about fighting off Victoria, and they should have thrown a few seconds of fighting in the trailer...I wanted to see Jasper get all freaky with some vamps. LMAO!
ReplyDeleteI so totally agree with you it's weird, we have nearly the same post about things that bug us, and I'm relieved to see that! (I freaked out when I saw how many people thought New Moon had better costumes and make up and contacts... WTF?! are they blind?) Poor Robward's make up reminded me of dead people too. And what's with the orange eyes? And why does Bella look like Alyssa Milano since New Moon? (the running across the fountain scene in italy?). WHY DID THEY RUIN IT?
ReplyDeleteI have always had a hard time with the Jacob love triangle storyline and just about everything else Jacob from there on out.
ReplyDeleteYour words above regarding the nonlove triangle hugely console me.