Now Here is the Squeeeee inducing Trailer:
We are especially loving the "You Can Go to Hell" part..
On a side note, and not Twilight/New Moon related...How many of you all think Kanye West might be a little slow..
Now, as we all know, Kanye isn't a stranger to out-of-the-ordinary decisions...but I thought a lot of Kanye's strange, quirky behavior was all part of his act. His "Brat-sent-to-bed-without-dessert" reactions to Grammy snubs, and his bizarre videos, the fact that he blogs in ALL CAPS; I assumed it was all his "bit"...He clearly wanted to go down in history as some sort of unpredictable, eccentric genius....but what if that isn't the case? What if Kanye isn't an eccentric genius and, worse, isn't even trying to feign eccentricity? What if Kanye doesn't spout off a bunch of quirky, polarizing diatribes because he wanted to go down in history as a creative genius, but because he is, in fact, a complete fucking moron? The question we have to ask, then, is "What if Kanye West is Special?"
I personally think she looked great except for the hair. Maybe she is actually growing up. I am in LOVE with the trailer and cannot WAIT for the movie to come out. I did read the leaked script and have to agree with you, it's for real. Although I am thinking it might actually be pretty good. I am hoping that it will meet my expectation.
ReplyDeleteAs for Kanye West, YES he is retarded to the nth degree!! What the FUCK is wrong with him. Don't get me wrong, I like Beyonce, but that was the rudest tackiest thing I have ever seen in my life. At least Beyonce has class and gave Taylor her spotlight. Taylor deserved that award. Ok off my soapbox!
I already thought Kanye West was an asshole and after that it only confirmed it (not that I needed further confirmation). It would have been wrong to do that to anyone, but to TAYLOR SWIFT? Nicest sweetheart on the planet who bakes cookies and loves her mom? Really? He might as well tear some heads off of puppies while he's at it. They cut quickly to commercial after her performance was over, but after it ended there was a standing ovation and we were chanting her name, she literally had tears in her eyes.
ReplyDelete@ Ms. M, @Marlana, @Sparkle - I cannot agree with you gals more!
ReplyDeleteKanye is douchetastic; he does not play well with others. Apparently if the world doesn't agree with him, it's because we're all idiots and he's some self-described genius who knows better. Piss off you egotistical asswipe. Nobody is impressed by your douchebaggery antics. All he did was embarass himself and Beyonce and take away a special moment for sweet as candy Taylor Swift. The poor thing didn't even know what to do as she stood there afterwards. I definitely love how the crowd booed his name later in the night when PDiddy (another douche) mentioned it.
@Ms. M - As for KStew, she actually looked like a competent human being who washed her hair and put on decent clothes. Her dress and shoes were fab. I actually liked her hair too (not much you can do when it was a mullet for Runaway filming). And like you said, she spoke like an adult...instead of a twitchy mess. Please KStew, do continue with this format!
@SwissMiss You know how that idiot is always pulling the racism card? I think that he himself seems to hate white people. And country music. For heavens sake her mother was with her. He was literally a man bullying on a girl, and she has the class to say she "doesn't want to start anything" because she doesn't know him.
ReplyDeletePlus, Kristen, was her hair pinned or cut? I thought it was cut, but apparently not. She's always wowing me.