That has to be the only explanation for this hideous wig!

Now, we will be the first to admit we don't enjoy K-Stews acting abilities (or lack there of), but to be completely honest-she can be a pretty girl (when the camera isn't right up in her teeth and she isn't sporting that monstrosity of a mullet). So why the peeps at Eclipse think THIS piece of shit wig looks good is beyond all realm of the imagination. Hell, I think Britney Spears weaves at her lowest "hospital gurney" moments looked better than this shit. This looks like something I could pick up off the shelf at my local Walgreens on Halloween. Did they just reuse Jacob's old wig from Twilight and put some curls in it? Holy Fuck Balls! Is this for real?? And another point: If I were K-Stew...would I just opt for an uglified wig or ask for some freakin' extensions to try to fix my real gawdamn hair from the hideous mullet? I'm thinking...weave me in some real fucking hair and fix what I got! Even if "Eclipse" wasn't paying for it...I'd pay myself!
Ok, off my soap box...Happy Tuesday!
Ms M did we offend some more people today? No comments so far.
ReplyDeleteI think we should start a petition for extensions for KStew :-)
Listen, you win because you referenced Britney and made the astute observation that the camera seems to be always "right up in her teeth"!
ReplyDeleteI think that all major networks in the blogverse today have been in a freaking tizz over the wig. Even I've finally succumbed to blogging about the wig versus extensions. I going to tell myself maybe the wig won't look that bad in the movie. It's just one picture, two if you count the fuzzy grad shot. Maybe they'll hide her hairline behind headbands, hoods and vampire baseball caps?