Wednesday, November 11, 2009

It's HUMP Day! And We've Got Robsten.. and RobCob

So these pictures made their way all around the TwiUniverse last night. There was probably a lot of squeeing and cursing **depending on how delusional the peeps making the noises were. The sqeee'ers were happy that their precious Robsten rumors was true and some were just happy that Rob was happy. The cursers were most likely the same people that chased poor Rob down the street thinking they would actually have a chance in hell with him.

If you were wondering what group we fell in...well-neither to tell you the truth. We really could care less who or what he is screwing. And to be totally honest we are in the silent minority that was just pleasantly surprised that this wasn't the scenario:

Thank you Miss FireCrotch for this lovely Submission!

Ms. J's repsonse: It's comments like these that must keep us from having 700 followers- LOL!


  1. Poor Guidoward...I still need to glue his foot back on.

  2. Ok...I am still laughing at the RobCob pic! Just the name RobCob seems to suggest something completely vulgar! Thanks for the laugh.........happy hump day!!!

  3. OK, I am so glad I read the comments...I'm like "wait, wha? is he giving face time while holding a shoe". Is it wrong that I didn't immediately look away?!

    Bang and let bang, my friends. No hatin'

  4. LMFAO!!! I'm so glad you guys feel the same way!!


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