Friday, November 27, 2009

Summit Strategy

Spoiler Alert...kinda

Ms M and I were talking this evening about our thoughts on a strategic plan from Summit of releasing clips from New Moon. My theory is that they released the most controversial scenes to ease us into the certain differences. Scenes that were not like the book and scenes that were better in the book than the acting on screen.

Example 1: Bella and Edward's break up scene

KStew blew donkey balls on this part. Where were the tears? The tears we all shed when we read the fucking book? I think we all probably felt this way when the clip was released or at least Ms M and I did. That is one reason we posted about voicing our opinion no matter what after we watched it. We thought "Oh fuck, I bought midnite tickets and she isn't even going to act?" WTF?

Example 2: The werewolf coming out party
Totally different than the book...when I read that part of the leaked script, I stopped reading. I just couldn't take anymore of the differences from the book...

Example 3: The fight at the Volturi
Again, totally different than the book. No one was hurt! No fighting- Granted, it made the movie better, so we forgive Chris Weitz and Melissa Rosenburg.

Example 4: Bella on the motorcycle while with Jessica
Again, completely different than the book-but they showed us this early, so that by opening night, we expected Bella to ride a bike way earlier than she did in the book.

So on opening night, we sat waiting for shitty movie...nothing like the book...but before our eyes, the movie rocked...almost rocked our panties off...especially Taycob's shirtless scenes (damn, is that the doorbell? I don't want Iced Tea, Chris Hansen) Also, other than the break up scene, KStew kicked ass. (no, you didn't click off the Twisessed site, I said it). She read the books and really made me feel like she loved Jacob more -but didn't know it. No random blinking, no excessive lip biting, etc. We loved the movie! Honestly, we were shocked...sure Jasper looked like a duck a little bit (aflac)...but we couldn't wait to see it again and again...and get the point!

However, this wasn't the case for my friend, Ms T, who did not watch clips or read the leaked script. She was thoroughly disappointed in the break up scene and did not like the acting. I think that the fact she was not prepared for this one shitty part of New Moon, ruined the whole movie for her.

So now we have to ask ourselves a question, will we wait and not preview any Eclipse clips?

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving from...Rob?

I hope you are thinking of me while you are stuffing that turkey... I hope you are thinking of how I would like to bend you over that table and stuff you full of my meat rod!

and I hope you are still thinking of me while you watch that parade...
Happy Thanksgiving!!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Our Grand Epiphany

So Ms J, Ms S and myself have been talking about how very inappropriate it is for us to all be drooling over Taylor. Ms J won't even answer the door for fear someone will be there with a jug of iced tea and some handcuffs. That was until this morning when Ms S had the most grand of epiphanies.... "In dog years he is just fine"... that's right ladies! Fear not! Whip out your drool cloths with pride! In dog years Jacob, er I mean Taylor is legal. Hell, I think he might be older than Edward/Robert.
By the way-we are almost done setting up our new blog-since "someone's" teenage daughter found this one. If you want to continue following us-make sure you are following us on Facebook and/or Twitter. We will be announcing our new site there.

Friday, November 20, 2009

So, Were Our Panties Rocked Off? (Spoiler Free)

That would be a big fat Hell to the YES! Were there things that made us cringe...well we are who we are, so that would be a yes too! Jasper's wig...ugh! A certain main character not crying at a very pivotal part of the movie-double ugh! Alice's vision scene...I'm not sure if it was suppose to be funny-but it was so cheesy the entire theater broke out in hysterics! But other than that we were pleasantly blown away. We loved the humor! We were really afraid that it would be 2 1/2 hours of gloom-and it wasn't. We even came away with a new love for Jacob. Yeah-you read that right...we loved Jacob. Of course we read the books and knew of his love for Bella, but to see it played out on the big screen-it was so touching. We even give a big standing O to Taylor. He did a fanfuckingtastic job of portraying Jake.

Our experience at the theater was even tolerable. Of course there was squeeling-but it seemed to die down after the movie got started. All except the 50 year old cougar sitting a few seats down from us---she kept yelling things like "Take your shirt off Jacob, I didn't pay twenty dollars for this ticket to see you with your shirt on".... In all honesty we kept wishing the To Catch a Predator dude would come walking through the door and take her away.... the coincidental part was she was chugging on a big iced tea!
All in all- would we recommend this movie to a friend? Without a doubt! Will we be going back to see it again? Oh YEAH! More than once!
By the way are we the only ones who noticed RPattz's weird nipple? We are... ok.. Never mind then.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Hump Day on Sunday? With Power Panties?

Mini B and Mini E left us to go on a little vacation. Guess where they fucking ended up at? La Perla

We have decided that they must have been reading "The Office" too. Mini B went in to get her new pair of power panties. Then Mini E joined her to reinact the scene in the dressing room. But that wasn't enough for this little humpy couple. They had to do it outside and take pictures to send back to us!

She must have picked up the garter

I hope you are all having a humptastic weekend! Only 4 days 13 hours 16 minutes until New Moon! But who's counting!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

It's HUMP Day! And We've Got Robsten.. and RobCob

So these pictures made their way all around the TwiUniverse last night. There was probably a lot of squeeing and cursing **depending on how delusional the peeps making the noises were. The sqeee'ers were happy that their precious Robsten rumors was true and some were just happy that Rob was happy. The cursers were most likely the same people that chased poor Rob down the street thinking they would actually have a chance in hell with him.

If you were wondering what group we fell in...well-neither to tell you the truth. We really could care less who or what he is screwing. And to be totally honest we are in the silent minority that was just pleasantly surprised that this wasn't the scenario:

Thank you Miss FireCrotch for this lovely Submission!

Ms. J's repsonse: It's comments like these that must keep us from having 700 followers- LOL!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

OTT (Off Topic Tuesday) Turning Our Panties Into a HOT MESS!

Ok, so Tuesdays around here are officially going to be OFF TOPIC TUESDAY'S. We had more traffic than ever last week with our Naughty Video of Mr. Somerhalder-so we decided we would keep with the theme... This week he is our little "Hot Mess"...Yowza!

Please tell me you all are watching him on Vampire Diaries! And did you hear-he is coming back as Boone on Lost. Now I will be the first to admit (ok probably not the first-but I will admit) "Lost" -Lost me! I watched it for a little bit and it got to be too weird so I quit....but believe you me...I will be watching again now! Can you imagine..Ian half dressed wondering around on a sandy beach....Damn! I really do need to reconsider my no foreign object rule!!

Monday, November 9, 2009

We Laughed, We Pee'd, Now We Recommend YOU Do the Same

So this morning I log onto the TwiDom and what do I find? Oh only this Hilarity from the ladies at TwiSoup: Dirty Suess-TwiSoup Takes On The Cat in the Hat! If you haven't read this it...NOW! Holy Fucking Shit Balls Hanging off the Cross I laughed so hard I freakin' pee'd my pants! I literally had to change my panties this morning because I flipping pissed in my pants like an 80 year old woman.
"The Beautiful 'B' and Me" based on "The Office"Ripped off from Dr. Seuss: The Cat in the Hat

There is a little warning at the beginning that reads:

This post is full of graphic sexual situations...if you are not 18+ or you are a prude who is easily offended by some good hard fucking...then please stop reading now.

But REAAALLLLYYY!!!!! --- If you are HERE on THIS site reading our bullshit I think you can handle it!

So what are you waiting for? Get your asses over there NOW! LOL!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Our Honesty Pledge

So, New Moon is coming soon (SQEEEEE) and we are super excited! Ms J and I were talking last night and what started out with innocent squeee'ing turned into a deep fucking conversation about the "what if's"..."what if New Moon blows", "what if we start yelling obscenities in the theater" and "What IF...What if WE think it blows huge ass green donkey shits and everyone else is too blinded by the Pattinson Sparkle to see it". What if we come to our little TwiBloggie land on Friday morning and everyone else is talking about how wonderful it was and we thought it stunk....holy shit! What would we do. Well, I am here to tell you now what we would do....we would tell you BLEW! And we would site all the reasons why we thought it blew. Now, we aren't generally "The glass is half empty kind of girls" and we are trying to stay positive about the situation. I would love nothing more than to be able to come here Friday and honestly tell you all the movie rocked our panties off and we are planning our 4th trip back that evening....but I still have strong memories of "Twilight" in my mind. And let me tell you..."Twilight" sucked. The acting sucked, the screenplay sucked, the special effects sucked.....I don't think I need to continue.

So in talking last night we have become fully aware that if our beloved movie does indeed suck the big one...we most likely will be alienating ourselves from the TwiLand because we have vowed to be honest and try to look past the sparkles and muscles next Thursday at Midnight-but so be it. We love you all too much not to give you our opinion! LOL!
We are planning on bringing extra undergarmets to the movie---in hopes that it does indeed "Rock our Panties off" though!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Happy HUMP Day From Team Switzerland!

It's HUMP Day!! You know what that means! Here is one of the hilarious entries we received from the ladies over at Apples and Feathers: It is the ultimate definition of "Team Switzerland"!

Thanks for the laugh ladies!!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

My Naughty Naughty Boy!

So I am beginning to wonder, am I just obsessed will all things Vampire-or is it the whole immortality thing that appeals to me. Perhaps it is being good looking and immortal because being a zombie doesn't appeal to me. But really-I dread the day that I wake up with a head full of gray hair and wrinkles that can't be hidden with dye and make up. I don't want to grow old-I don't want to die just yet either-but you get where I am going with this don't you? I have to wonder if that is what holds some of the appeal of all things "Vampire". What ever the reason it may be why I am obsessed! I am obsessed with all things Twilight of course (the books and the fanfic...oh the fanfic)...but I love me some True Blood and now I love me some Vampire Diaries. I know, I know--I gave it a so-so review a few months ago when I read the books...I still stand by my review, but the TV show has grown on me. At first I thought the show blew nuggets! The first couple episodes were stupid to say the least...but I know from experience I usually don't fall in love with something from the pilot. So I kept DVRing them and watching and now I am hooked...why you ask? (Well, perhaps you aren't asking, but I will tell you anyway) it is because of this little piece of meat they cast as Damon the "naughty brother"

Oh Yes, You are most definitely my "Naughty Boy"!

and you want to know the best part? This Hot as Hell gift from Sweet Baby Jesus himself is our fucking age? The creepy factor is no where to be found as I sit fantasying about this man. All the naughty things I would like to do to him are no longer inappropriate.

Ms J and I sat for hours the other night watching and rewatching this clip. At first we thought we couldn't post it on the blog because it technically isn't "Twilight" related...but then we thought-Fuck That! This is Our blog and we will post what we want--and really it would be a crime not to share. So I hope you all don't mind a little Non-Twilight post for your Tuesday! Stay tuned tomorrow because we will be posting some of your entries for HUMP day!