So as many of you may or may not
know care I had to give up my job back in September to move to this cesspond of a city for my husbands job. This truly is a tooth optional township, actually I think people leave their choppers at the state line. I really think we should find our Real Estate Agent and bash her knee caps in for telling us to move here....anyhooo... I really didn't think anything about leaving my old job because I hated it so much-actually I was quite excited about the opportunity of finding something new...that is until I came into contact with the "lovely" people of this little town we now have to live in. Now it has become apparent that I most definitely would not get along with these over religious, toothless, greasy, bitches. I mean-I'm pretty sure when they start talking to me with their shards of teeth dangling in the breeze about Jesus, Mary and Sinning they don't want to hear me say something about Henry Cavill's massive Man Dong and how it would look spectacular shimmering in the right lighting....

Jesus Loves you? Too bad he hated your teeth....
So my days are now spent with my ass planted on the couch watching mindless TV...and it was during an episode of The Doctors when the most exciting career opportunity was presented to me!!!
I know Ms J is back to work and hating every minute of the corporate world again...Ms J this career could be for you too!!
I know, I know...we are sex toy virgins and all.....but if you are going to pay me 40,000 to shove a purple pecker up my choch and rate it....ok. I mean lets compare: Sit at a boring desk for 8 to 9 hours a day doing BORING engineering office work oooorrrr Glam my Clam for 15 minutes and get the same pay..and perhaps a little "more"... um-that sounds like an easy decision!
buzzzzz buzzzzz
ms m
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