It would be tempting to report that this was the 28th day in a fucking row it has been over 100 gawd damned degrees here and if you ever hear us complain about the cold again you have our permission to shove a hot poker up our twats!
It would also be tempting to share with you the creeptanistic (what? that isn't a word? Fuck you! It is when it is 158 degrees outside) dude that sits next to me at work who sits there and rocks himself back and forth with his shirt pulled over his head. I am pretty sure he is a serial killer...just plotting.
But alas, those are not what brought us out... this my friends...THIS has grabbed our attention and we couldn't let it go and not put our two cents in...

Did I mention THAT was the good side? Here it the other half:

Um, yeah...
So then we see on Twitter where a lot...and we mean A LOT of chicks out there are digging this shit.... WTF?! Are you people fucking delusional? Ms J showed me an article written a few weeks ago from a pretty respected news corporation that had Mr. Pattinson admitting not using "Shampoo"... that is just gross. I don't care what you say! and then to see this!
I don't understand why every time Rob does something that is completely disgusting or downright stuuuupppiiiiddd (example: "I am allergic to Vagina") these women seem to become more turned on.
I am not here to "Rob-Bash"...for real-I am not...We Just Don't GET IT!!!!
I guess to each his / her own...
The End..
ps. please don't hate on me for hatin' on the prettay.
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