Spoiler Alert...kinda
Ms M and I were talking this evening about our thoughts on a strategic plan from Summit of releasing clips from New Moon. My theory is that they released the most controversial scenes to ease us into the certain differences. Scenes that were not like the book and scenes that were better in the book than the acting on screen.
Example 1: Bella and Edward's break up scene
KStew blew donkey balls on this part. Where were the tears? The tears we all shed when we read the fucking book? I think we all probably felt this way when the clip was released or at least Ms M and I did. That is one reason we posted about voicing our opinion no matter what after we watched it. We thought "Oh fuck, I bought midnite tickets and she isn't even going to act?" WTF?
Example 2: The werewolf coming out party
Totally different than the book...when I read that part of the leaked script, I stopped reading. I just couldn't take anymore of the differences from the book...
Example 3: The fight at the Volturi
Again, totally different than the book. No one was hurt! No fighting- Granted, it made the movie better, so we forgive Chris Weitz and Melissa Rosenburg.
Example 4: Bella on the motorcycle while with Jessica
Again, completely different than the book-but they showed us this early, so that by opening night, we expected Bella to ride a bike way earlier than she did in the book.
So on opening night, we sat waiting for shitty movie...nothing like the book...but before our eyes, the movie rocked...almost rocked our panties off...especially Taycob's shirtless scenes (damn, is that the doorbell?...no I don't want Iced Tea, Chris Hansen) Also, other than the break up scene, KStew kicked ass. (no, you didn't click off the Twisessed site, I said it). She read the books and really made me feel like she loved Jacob more -but didn't know it. No random blinking, no excessive lip biting, etc. We loved the movie! Honestly, we were shocked...sure Jasper looked like a duck a little bit (aflac)...but we couldn't wait to see it again and again...and again...you get the point!
However, this wasn't the case for my friend, Ms T, who did not watch clips or read the leaked script. She was thoroughly disappointed in the break up scene and did not like the acting. I think that the fact she was not prepared for this one shitty part of New Moon, ruined the whole movie for her.
So now we have to ask ourselves a question, will we wait and not preview any Eclipse clips?

While I have to agree with you on the breakup scene, I totally do not agree with KStew acting well. I still think she blows HUGE donkey balls and she REALLY gets on my nerves. I think she is butt-ass ugly and don't care at all for her acting. The movie really did rock, though, and I can not WAIT for it to come out on DVD and watch it a million times like I did with Twilight. Although they had a bigger budget for New Moon, and the looks of the characters were waaayyyyy better, I did expect a lot more from this movie. Ok, I have taken enough of your comment space. I will go off to my little world now!!
ReplyDeleteHoly cow.....I am so freaggin excited about Eclipse that I really don't know if I will be able to go to the premeire with my "hymen" still entact! I think my plan is going to be watching the first official preview that gets released for maybe a couple of days and then completely cut myself off! That is what I did for New Moon and it worked out fairly well. I know that I just won't have the strength to stay away completely if you know what I mean!
ReplyDeleteYou have a very valid point about summits desensitization of differences to the public through their previews. My question is if those sons of bitches are so crafty about that then how could they not realize that Alice's vision scene was a total crock of shit?
Gotta stop typing now because I could go on forever! Great Post!
Shit, you just threw me off my game. I was a trailer-whore (which is different from trailer-park-whore, for the record) up until 2+ weeks before the premiere. I made @LionLovinLamb watch all the ones that were different from the book for just that very reason...she's way more sensitive than I am for any derision from the book. Desensitation...perfect summary.
ReplyDeleteI totally planned to regrow that abused twhymen of mine for Eclipse, but now you have me wondering! Hell, they could totally fuck up the plot of Eclipse, but because I know my Kellan will be plastered all over those fight scenes I'm pretty sure I'll be too busy frothing and twitching to remember what the whole damn movie is about anyway.