It's Wednesday lovely bitches! Happy HUMP day! Mini Edward and Mini Bella got their engines roaring in the Porn Shop! They humped on the big rubber wieners, they humped on the special blowie lotions, they humped on the clothing....HEY! Speaking of Clothing-Doesn't anyone want a Mother Fucking Free T-Shirt? We put out the call last week for you all to enter our little ol' contest for a Free CafePress T-Shirt and not one person has entered. What The Fuck!!??!! I know the pervie things some of you all think up...are you saying none of you ladies want a FREE Shirt? All you have to do is send us a picture of your mini's doing naughty things to each other...or perhaps you doing a naughty thing to your mini.... and we will even expand for those of you without mini's...MARLANA I am speaking to you!.... Write us a story of what you would do with/or to your mini's.... The most Creative Wins a Free Fucking Shirt!!! FREE FUCKING SHIRT I SAID! You even get to pick the Mother Fucker out! Ok...where was I --oh yeah...Our Mini E and Mini B were having a grand humping time in the Porn Shop...

Mini B thought the Sparkly Pecker was pretty and reminded her of Mini E!
We literally gasped at the size of this Mother Fucking Rubber Banger! Seriously Folks! If you can use this thing...I think you might have some problems! I am pretty sure Ms J and myself would need a full on epidural and some stitches when it was over. We especially liked that it needed a remote control-because if you inserted this thing into your lady bits you probably would have injured yourself and would be in too much pain to move... But the sight of it only turned our Mini's on...

This yummy creation made Ms J and Me think of what Bella would have turned into if Edward never did change her....someone should have gotten him one of these when he was so dead set against doing it:

Three Fucking Love Holes and She Cums With Her Own False Teeth.....Sexy!
So anyway Mini E and Mini B were having a grand time in the sex shop! Sucking, Fucking and Humping away when we heard a horrible screech! It sounded like this: "LAAADDDIIIEEEESS!!!" "You may NOT take pictures in here, and what are you doing with those plastic dolls? Did you buy those? What box did you take those out of?" Ms J and Myself were like "Um, sorry-we were not aware we couldn't take pictures, we won't do it anymore. And these are our dolls"...As stupid as we sounded she must have believed we didn't steal our own mini's so she didn't try to confiscate them. But then she did tell us "You and your dolls will need to leave my store now". Wow! That was a first...We just got kicked out of a dildo shop! LOL!
Getting kicked out of porn shop = epic win!! LMFAO!!! I don't know how you walk around with those big balls of yours - hehe!
ReplyDeleteOK I am off to think up something...compromising to do with my minis (YEAH i want a shirt!).
: )
Too funny, you guys...
We want the shirt! But we don't have a motherfucking dolls!! If you'll take my naughty little people going at it behind the barn well then, now you're talking!
ReplyDelete(of course then I'd also have to learn how to post a pix in the comments)
BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! You got thrown out of a porn shop!!!! That is classic!! Wish I could have been there.
ReplyDeleteOk, so I skimmed the blog about the T-shirt, but didn't realize if I didn't have dolls I could participate. I will read it more in depth in a bit and will start working on it.
Dammit, thanks for the reminder! I knew I was forgetting to do something. Must email naughty pics tonight.
ReplyDeleteOh, and you guys must have elephantitis of the balls because you need major cahones to bust out the mini's in a porn shop. Bravo ladies, bravo!
Ok, accidently deleted my comment.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, getting kicked out a porn shop for playing with the minis? You are freaking awesome.
Off to take dirty amusing pics of my Tinys and try to win a tee shirt!
i've got the perfect idea for my mini pics too but I just didn't get around to it..please forgive me(pretty please with whip cream on top)i'll get to it tonight
ReplyDeleteWhat if we don't have mini's? Can we draw them? They might resemble stick figures. How about I tape a picture of Robwards head and Bella's head on one of my kids Barbies...can T-Nabs and I act it out and send it in??? Do we get extra props for that?
ReplyDeleteWhat if I convince two vertically challenged people to dress like Edward and Bella and get into a compromising position...
Gotta get creative...just sayin'.
I have the dolls. Now, the question is do I have the balls????
ReplyDeleteWe shall see...