Here is the link to the New Moon Script (sorry folks-had to take the link out...don't want to get in trouble for copyright infringment or anything like that-I'm not too keen on going to prison, I don't want to be the "new fish" and I doubt they would let me take my pocket Edward in with me)....if you dare want to read it and be disappointed...
Let me get a few things off my chest:
I am not certain I can officially hate Catherine Hardwicke with a vengeance any longer because when it comes down to it I am not sure she is the one who fucked up Twilight in the first place...I am really leaning toward the Screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg. Now after reading the script for New Moon-it seems my suspicions were confirmed...Melissa is a giant Assface! I can't believe they even considered hiring her a second time around. Why would they want to change an ALREADY CONFIRMED GOOD THING-THE BOOK IS PERFECT! Why change it and piss off the fans. This is NOT Melissa Rothenberg's story nor does she need to prove she's a good writer (which she is NOT) by trying to make the film better by changing the outcome! If she wants to make a great script, stick to the book! The Volturi are going to look like fuzzy bunnies compared to the wrath of angry fans that are going to chew her ass out for butchering our beloved books.
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