Saturday, May 30, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
New Moon Trailer!!
Here is 15 seconds worth of the New Moon Trailer!!!!! November can't get here fast enough!!
Ms. J's comments: I want to watch more! I hope they show more tomorrow night!
Ms. J's comments: I want to watch more! I hope they show more tomorrow night!
It's a Fang Bangin' Good Time!

OK-so after reading one of my favorite bloggers yesterday I decided to give True Blood a chance.
Let me just start by saying, I am really not all that into real "smut" and I don't own any piece of sexual machinery. I have read some of the Twi-Smut and giggle through most of it, but haven't finished any of them. It just isn't my sort of thing.
So....when I started watching True Blood and in first episode within the first 2 minutes some chick is whacking off some dude I was sceptical. There were some bouncin' titties and such but over all I could see myself getting sucked into the story. Some of the men were pretty easy on the ol' eyeballs too!
Would I recommend it...hell yeah! Even for a prude like myself! Just don't watch it with kiddos around! Holy Shit! That might do some damage!
-Ms. M
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Holy Shiizzzels Girls!
Grab some fresh panties before viewing these!! click here Shirtless Rob!!! Popsugar has some yummy ones too!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Found this over at TwilightPoison...and it is so clear and .. holy that dandruff? Vampire Dandruff!!!??!! ACK! Tell me it ain't so!!! Click Here -Ms. M
What if it is like the gel in There's Something About Mary...
What if it is like the gel in There's Something About Mary...
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Today I have had Twilight on the brain, I guess. I'll give you three examples:
- There was a guy on C-SPAN and his name was Dave Cullen. I kept thinking 'how cool, this guy has the same last name as Edward' (wow-it doesn't take much to impress me today)
- I just realized I have a cookie mix that my friend bought for me from Washington state, that has an apple on it. (Again, little to impress me or to remind me of Twilight today) I will have to take a picture to put on here.
- Story on the news about a lady who was born in 1899. I thought out loud to my husband, "She's older than Edward."
Yes, I am obsessed and probably need help. But with all the other shit going on in my life...a little obsession is nice.
Things I DON'T Want to See...
This is something I really could have lived my entire life with out ever viewing....why do people feel the need to do shit like this? I am not saying Rpatz isn't something to obsess over-but this is just disturbing!
I second that! I found this earlier today and was thinking "what the hell?" I'm glad you commented on this :-) -ms. j
I second that! I found this earlier today and was thinking "what the hell?" I'm glad you commented on this :-) -ms. j
Maybe We Are Not as Twi Sessed as We Once Thought
Because I for one could give a rats ass what "Mr. Scary Story" was buying at Best Buy... But I guess it is newsworthy for some...he bought a hockey game ya'll! Did you get that a HOCKEY GAME! Now if we had a story about how he was caught with Mr. Zacsquash in the back seat doing the naughty...that would would be news--probably not surprising news...but news non the less. Not that I am saying he is gay...I don't know if he is or isn't...I'm just saying-he sure has the accent down pretty well!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
New Moon Website
Summit has updated the official Twilight Saga Website to reflect New Moon. The site is pretty sparse right now, but you can now download wallpapers, send e-cards or grab the official New Moon widget.
Check out the new site at
Check out the new site at
Friday, May 22, 2009
For 28K, It Better Be Doggy Style

And not any of that freakin' sissy stuff. We're talking about hardcore sucking and fu****g. The kind that leaves you not walking right the next day. There better be feathers in our hair. Prepare a medical team on standby, because we plan on draining RPattz of all fluids.
So here's the story:
Robert Pattinson Auctions Off $28,000 Kisses in Cannes
USMagazine, May 22, 2009
Those who thought a kiss from "Twilight" star Robert Pattinson was priceless didn't bid on his smooches at the Cinema Against AIDS benefit in Cannes, France, Thursday.
Producer Harvey Weinstein had convinced the 23-year-old actor to auction off a kiss on the cheek to the daughter of the highest bidder, but when a bidding battle ensued, he offered up two kisses -- raising $28,000 each.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
It's Twi-Smut Day over at TWITARDED

New Moon Script

Here is the link to the New Moon Script (sorry folks-had to take the link out...don't want to get in trouble for copyright infringment or anything like that-I'm not too keen on going to prison, I don't want to be the "new fish" and I doubt they would let me take my pocket Edward in with me)....if you dare want to read it and be disappointed...
Let me get a few things off my chest:
I am not certain I can officially hate Catherine Hardwicke with a vengeance any longer because when it comes down to it I am not sure she is the one who fucked up Twilight in the first place...I am really leaning toward the Screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg. Now after reading the script for New Moon-it seems my suspicions were confirmed...Melissa is a giant Assface! I can't believe they even considered hiring her a second time around. Why would they want to change an ALREADY CONFIRMED GOOD THING-THE BOOK IS PERFECT! Why change it and piss off the fans. This is NOT Melissa Rothenberg's story nor does she need to prove she's a good writer (which she is NOT) by trying to make the film better by changing the outcome! If she wants to make a great script, stick to the book! The Volturi are going to look like fuzzy bunnies compared to the wrath of angry fans that are going to chew her ass out for butchering our beloved books.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Seriously Summit...
What the hell kind of business are you running there? You do THIS for them...and we can't even get a trailer?!? What makes the Cannes people so freakin' special? Do they buy your posters? Do they buy your soundtracks? Do they buy your movies? Do they buy your Pocket Edward Dolls?? I DON'T THINK SO! I say we get some kind of Twilight Style riot going! Anyone with me??
This is Where Even We Draw the Line

This event is taking place in Forks, Washington. I know that the town must be excited to have such newfound fame due to the Twilight series- but seriously, a fake birthday party?
Maybe next they will start having parties to celebrate each New Moon. Or fake anniversary parties for Edward and Bella.
How To Be Review

Here is the How To Be review the Twitarded way! I laughed so hard this morning I nearly pee'd my pants! Enjoy!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
New Moon Clip Being Shown at Cannes (?)
On a French website, it appears to say that a 15 minute preview of New Moon will be shown at Cannes. If you look at the website below and use the translator function on your browser, it says:
"Note that he has also made the move because - surprise! -the production of the twilight saga will unveil tonight at 6 p.m., 15 minutes from the second temptation opus !" (Second tempation opus takes you to a link for Twilight 2)
Dang it Ms J, I knew I should have taken French...
"Note that he has also made the move because - surprise! -the production of the twilight saga will unveil tonight at 6 p.m., 15 minutes from the second temptation opus !" (Second tempation opus takes you to a link for Twilight 2)
Dang it Ms J, I knew I should have taken French...
Official New Moon Poster
Monday, May 18, 2009
Peer Pressure
So now it is time for me to tell my story...of how I became obsessed with all things Twilight. I remember the moment. We showed up for our 'orientation' to on how to be unemployed and she invited me to come to watch Twilight with her. What else did I have to do? My three year old was still in daycare for the next two weeks full time, so sure I'll go. Little did I know that was the beginning... Okay, so the movie was a little cheesy...but it sparked my interest in what the books would be like. We stopped by 'ghetto-mart' to pick up the first book. I started reading it the next night on the car ride up to visit my in-laws. I don't know if I was very social that weekend. I just read Twilight constantly. My husband came in and started reading over my shoulder, reading how Edward touched Bella's chin--making fun of me! :-) Over the next two weeks while my kid was still in daycare full time. I would wake up and take him to daycare then come home and read from 8:30 to 5:00. LOL!
I did drag my friend back to watch the movie again. The books are better...but Rob can be quite nice. LOL! Then we found Twilight online so we could watch it over and over and over!
Our husbands started talking about an intervention. I hope he can start following Twilight Widower's blog. It will help him to see that he is not alone :-) and that I am not the only 30 year old mother out there obsessed with Edward Cullen :-)
I did drag my friend back to watch the movie again. The books are better...but Rob can be quite nice. LOL! Then we found Twilight online so we could watch it over and over and over!
Our husbands started talking about an intervention. I hope he can start following Twilight Widower's blog. It will help him to see that he is not alone :-) and that I am not the only 30 year old mother out there obsessed with Edward Cullen :-)
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