After trolling some other blogs in our "age" group we began to wonder-when did it become taboo to enjoy the things that were popular or considered fads?
It seems as though in an attempt to be cool you can't like anything that "is" cool at the moment.
I guess that makes us extremely nerdy around these parts of the woods because we LOVE popular culture!! And when I say we LOVE it...I mean we FUCKING LOVE it!!
As for music: We love listening to the top 40 stations. Ms J knows every word to the Jay-Z song he wrote for Blue Ivy (Glory) and when I hear an Adele song I can't help myself but to turn it up. Are we rocking out to some Fun "We Are Young"? YES we are!!
As for TV: Where do we start? Do we love The Vampire Diaries? DUH! How about the Secret Circle..yup! Revenge? Yes Yes! American Horror Story, Walking Dead, The Voice, American Idol, Dancing With the Stars, The Soup, House, True Blood, Supernatural, The Soup, Flipping Out, Interior Therapy, Hoarders, Storage Wars (YUUUP!), Storage Wars Texas (Bring It!!), My Crazy Obsession, My 600 lb life, Celebrity Rehab, along with every fucking talk show there is...Yes, yes, yes, yes, and yeeeeeeeeessssssss!
We live for it all!!
Don't get us started on Movies...we love those too! Redbox is our BFF! and Tuesdays are the best day of the week!
I think it all started when we were kids. My grandma and Ms J's mom were both Soap Opera JUNKIES and instead of getting to watch Sesame Street or Kaleidoscope like all the other kids our age we were watching Bo and Hope get it on and Sami Brady whip up her newest scheme with Lucas to break up Carrie and Austin. We will still turn on DOOL every now and then just to get a glimpse of EJ naked...YUM!
Along with being Soap Junkies, our "parents" were also Celebrity Gossip Whores...We had access to every magazine available: The National Enquirer, People, Star...oh sure we knew most of the shit in there was....well...shit, but we ate that "shit" up! We knew by the 3rd time they said Janet Jackson was going to have alien baby twins and she didn't - that the stuff was BS-but it was still fun. Still today when waiting in the doctors office if I am given the choice between National Geographic and People....I choose PEOPLE! Every FUCKING time!
As for fashion: We enjoy pretty shoes and things that make us feel like girls. Just because Bella Swan pulled off looking like a thrift store lesbian in Twilight and still got "the guy" doesn't mean it works in real life.
What we really don't understand about all these sites taking a "stand" against Pop Culture is just by having a "Twilight" have already succumb to can't have it both ways. Especially considering Twilight has been one of the biggest Pop Culture phenomenons in the last 10 years.
We are not saying you can't have your own style...perhaps ya'll don't feel comfortable shopping in the juniors department, perhaps dresses and heals aren't your thing. Each his/her own!! Our point here is why make others feel bad for liking the "Popular" stuff.
Now I gotta go--I have a DVR that is 87% Full....
Ms M