So, where have we been? Locked in the back of a porn shop with dildos sticking out our asses you say.... well, no-actually that might be more fun than the living hell we have been living for the last few months. Ms J is about ready to pop--and she is on a "special diet"...and no-not Edward's kind...that would be more fun. And me...I have been stuck in work/hell. I sit there everyday wondering how much trouble I would get into if I just started blogging from my desk...but with them tracking every single key we are hitting on our keyboards I am pretty sure they would show up with my box faster than I could finish typing the word "Jizz Gobler" and walk my happy ass right on out the door (and I have to hang on until at least October so I can get unemployment again..LOL). I have thought about smuggling my laptop into work so I could at least get these little blogs typed out and then just hit the "Post" key when I got home...and actually I may just start doing that soon, we are going way toooo long between posting...I am not even sure we have any readers left out there....crickadee crickadee crickadee....
So what brings me to the Twidom today you ask....well I got my issue of EW...and I needed a mop and bucket to clean up the glorious mess I made! I am sure you all know what I am talking about and don't need me repeating it. And to be honest...I am sure there are probably a lot of pissed off people out there more that willing to stab me in the head with a knife for rubbing it I won't (too terribly bad that is).... Damon Won!! eeerrr...Ian Won!!! Holy FuckBalls Ladies!!! Don't get me wrong...I love me some Damon...but how the fuck did that happen?
Was it because all the Twifans are in school now and couldn't make it a computer to vote.....or was it because they weren't paying attention to this little competition? Whatever the case may be I couldn't believe my eyes when I read it and my vagina about flew out of her safe harbor and landed on the magazine sitting in front of me. I reigned her back in with the promise of some "alone" time with the magazine later after the hubs goes to bed...wink wink wink... and really what better cover is there...Rob and Ian both on the cover...if only Mr. Skarsgard was there too...that would have made a lovely sandwich...oh Little M-we are going to have some good fantasies later honey, I promise.