Sunday, May 23, 2010
This Is Just Disturbing!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Happy Birthday to US!
Ms M and Ms J
Saturday, May 15, 2010
So who is Ms M's Houseguest?
Her houseguest (HG) is a foreign exchange student. It has been a long year. From the moment, she stepped off the plane, the HG started eating. Eating everything, especially cereal. She eats so much freakin' cereal that Ms M's daughter has to find a place to hide her box, so the HG doesn't eat all of it. And when Ms M cooks dinner...she has to double her recipe to feed the HG. By now, HG could either mean house guest or huge guest.
One time I went over to Ms M's for dinner with my family. Ms M can make a mean ass cheeseball...and that night she didn't disappoint. While I was standing there putting the mouthwatering masterpiece on my plate HG came over and hip-chucked me out of the way to get herself some. She fucking HIP CHUCKED my ass! Then when dinner was served she started growling behind us to get to the food...like a rabid fucking dog or some shit. AAANNNDD then the giant piece of shit started fucking FARTING at the table..F.A.R.T.I.N.G!! It smelled like barnyard feces whafting around while we were trying to eat. I thought my husband was going to get sick right there on his plate!
Thankfully for Ms M and her family, the HG is returning to her family very soon. Until then I'll be more than happy to share anything you want to know about HG :o)
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Eels Up the Ass and Tits On My Phone
All right, we have gotten that out of the way: I have to tell ya'll my story of the week: Yesterday morning began like normal until I walked out of my bedroom and started toward the other side of the house to get something out of the guest bathroom....when I got to the dining room I found my "house guest" fondling her tits. My first thought was "Please don't masturbate in my dining room, we fucking eat in here for Christ's sake"... well when she saw me she quit...so I carried on my merry way to get what I was after in the other bathroom. By the time I started back towards my room she had left for the day so I didn't have to see her again... Once I got to work I (of course) had to tell EVERYONE about the incident in my dining room. I was in some serious need of "disinfectant" advice.
The rest of my morning went pretty much as usual until I took my regular afternoon trip to the bathroom to take a picture of my cooter to send to the hubs (that ALWAYS puts him in a good mood, and seeing how it was Friday, I knew I was just guaranteeing a good weekend). That is when I found it.... as I was deleting my beaver picture out of my phone I found a GIANT TIT in my pictures...taken Friday morning... and it WASN'T MINE!!
It took me a second to connect all the pieces together..."Holy fuck balls dangling off the cross-my guest wasn't masturbating after all...she was taking pictures of her ginormous boob with my phone...SHIT BALLS...I need to disinfect my phone now..."
Why the hell would someone do that? Did she think I would like it? At least it wasn't her cooter!
I know some of you may be asking...How is this Twilight related? Or even Vampire related? Well it's not-but if you replace the tit in this picture with an apple it might be.....
Ms M (who is now dealing with a "happy" hubby, damaged retina's, and is in need of a new phone!)