Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Rob With Only a Hat on His Dong? Why Yes It Is!

Monday, December 28, 2009
Happy Panty Melting Monday!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Poof! Our Panties are Gone!
It was a wonderful Christmas present!
Monday, December 21, 2009
30 Seconds of Our Hot Mess
I hope you are all enjoying your Monday. I am about to go fucking crazy! The entire family is here until January 4th...My ears have been raped by stories I didn't want to hear, my kitchen is a disaster area from people not cleaning up after themselves,and my formal dining room looks like a laundry room where people have thrown their coats...but that isn't the worst of it...you want to know the worst part? I don't have time to sit on my laptop and surf the web for mindless Twilight shit all day. I am now hiding in the bathroom-pretending to take a shit, just to make this post. A side note: Want to know a secret....my dh and I have been together since I was 18ish and not once has he ever witnessed me shitting--the man thinks I seriously do not shit. I never leave any evidence of such act...I am like the phantom shitter in my own house...so I better end this now because if I am in here for too long he is bound to get suspicious.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
It's What's Inside that Counts
and they did not one of these but at least three...here is the Hanukkah version
and, last but not least, the "it's what's inside that counts" version
Watch CBS Videos Online
Watch CBS Videos Online
Friday, December 18, 2009
Fan Fic Friday!

Thursday, December 17, 2009
Your So Sweet We Wanna Lick The Wrapper!
And we hope you have been able to watch the week long marathon of Damon/I mean Vampire Diaries on the CW. It somewhat makes up for the dry spell with the New Moon hype being over.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Our Happy "HUMP" Day Nod to DomWard and Tattward

And after much pear pressure and a threat from Ms J to do bodily harm to me (sounds kinky-all right all right I really have been reading too much DomWard!) I will post my birthday pictures tomorrow...maybe...possibly...ok, if I consume enough alcohol....and if you all promise to be nice...
(I have been told I needed to explain the Tattward reference, it is in the Cupcake Print on the blindfold/hand restraints. And the fanfics are Clipped Wings and Inked Armor and The Submissive/Dominant-I will try and get some links up on the side soon!)
Sunday, December 13, 2009
What the Fuck-a-dee Fuck Fuck!

And for those of you already following we have (as promised) some changes ... like we said before we wanted a Twilight Blog that wasn't "just" about Twilight. So to ease everyone into it Friday's will be FanFic Friday's here at the NoList. We would like everyone to send in a link to their favorite Fanfic they have been reading-that way we will have something to do on the weekends (wink wink). Friday morning we will put up a post requesting the links and you can add yours into the comments...it's that easy! Then when we get back together on Monday you can give your lil' skittles a rest and come back and we can talk about something else. Sound like a deal?
Okay Good...Now get on over to the side bar and hit Follow for Fucks Sake!
xoxo-Ms J
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Monday, December 7, 2009
Happy Birthday Ms M!

Friday, December 4, 2009
You Belong With Me Jacob!
Ms M's daughter (Little M) found this little ditty last night...we think she is secretly loving the Twilight! We thought it was too funny not to share!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
The Honeymoon is Over!
Ok Here is my beef:
First of all, let me preface this by saying I have watched the damn movie more than any human should....about twice a day since the day after it came out....plus the midnight showing. How you ask...well....illegally of course! I'm not made of that kind of money-but since I do not have a j.o.b. I do have that kind of time. And actually-is it illegal if I am not the one downloading it? Hmmm...that is my defense if anybody comes knocking at my door. Anyway.... since I can now recite the fucking thing by heart I think I can honestly come here and get on my little soap box for a bit.
Yes, I know--I said I loved loved loved the thing the first time I watched it. I did! I loved it the second, third, forth and possibly fifth too. But then something happened. I felt like I was missing something (besides Bella's tears). I couldn't quite put my finger on it until recently....and I finally figured it out while reading the latest chapter of Clipped Wings---where is the fucking sex. Oh I know...I knew there wouldn't be any going into the movie...there wasn't any in the damn books. But really.... if they are going to try and sell us on the fantasy of Vampires and Werewolves couldn't they throw some reality in there? So...you are 18, your boyfriend dumps you (for all intents and purposes you think he really doesn't like you anymore and has moved on and away) and your hot half naked friend is totally into you...and you are somewhat into him too...tell me you wouldn't tap that! And by "tap" I mean you've already started air humping as you are leaping towards said friend saying things like "Fuck Me Now You Rotten Bastard"! Oh sure when Mr. Love of your Life comes back you might feel guilty about it and drop your friend faster than Tiger's wife dropped a nine iron next to his head... but while Mr. Love is away...You'd surely play! And by play I mean dirty rotten sweaty sex!!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
What changes can you expect? Well-We Still LOVE Twilight so not much will change in that aspect. But we didn't want to limit ourselves to just Twilight related posts. We are really into pop-culture....no we aren't in line to be the next Perez Hilton's....but if we hear something that makes us laugh...we might share. We love us some Ian Somerhalder...so if we find a naked picture of him with a healthy looking wang....we might share that too. We also have discovered that we really are horny perverts after all and we devourer fan fic like chocolate cake at a weight watchers convention....so we will be discussing that too--and perhaps sharing some of our own.